Official Opening of 3rd Assembly
Swearing in of the 3rd Assembly
Ordination Ceremony of Bajun Council of Elder
Speaking during the ordination Ceremony of Bajun Council of Elder , Hon Speaker Azhar Ali Mbaraka Congratulates Mr Omar Shariff and Emphasis the Bajun Community to work together
About Assembly
Article 176 of the Constitution establishes the County Assembly which shall consist of members elected by the registered voters of the wards; each ward constituting a single member constituency, on the same day as a general election of Members of County Assembly, being the second Tuesday in August, in every fifth year…
Office of the Clerk
The Clerk is the only non-elected person who regularly speaks in the Assembly. The Clerk of the House is the administrative and procedural head of the Assembly and oversees the day to day operations and affairs of the Parliament. The Clerk is assisted by the Deputy Clerk and Clerk Assistants…
Information Desk
Communication from the Chair
Today, The Speaker Hon. Azhar Mbarak informed the House that, HE The Governor ISSA TIMAMY has nominated the following for the positions of County Executive